Latin American Studies Minor


The Latin American and Latinx Studies (LAXS) program coordinates the minor and major concentration in Latin American Studies and offers resources and support to Loyola students and the 新奥尔良 community.

The Latin American Studies program fosters an understanding and appreciation of Latin American culture, 社会, 和历史. Latin America, a major U.S. trading power, is comprised of 26 nations with a population of 562 million. Loyola is located in a region with many historical, 文化, and socioeconomic ties to Latin America, including an immigrant population of some 125,000拉丁美洲人.

Loyola’s Latin American Studies program offers students the freedom to take classes in a wide variety of disciplines (Mass Communication, 社会学, 历史, 宗教研究, 西班牙语和生物), as well as the flexibility to tailor their study to the specific aspects of Latin America which most compel them.

Study abroad in Latin America is encouraged and can be used to help complete either the major or minor. The program welcomes students at all levels of Spanish ability: from students with absolutely no Spanish to completely fluent, native Spanish speakers.

课程 Information

Students can use the course section search (LORA) system to find courses that are eligible for the Latin American Studies Program. Before declaring a Latin American Studies minor, please contact the program director.  

Latin American Studies 联系 Information

The Director of Latin American Studies is Pablo Zavala, Ph. D., Assistant Professor
Office: Bobet Hall 309
Phone: (504) 865-2760

Participating faculty also include:

  • 布兰卡安德森
  • Gustavo巴博萨
  • 伊莎贝尔Durocher
  • 希拉里·埃克伦
  • Tiago Fernandes Maranhão
  • 卡洛琳好
  • 伊莎贝尔Duarte-Gray
  • 内森Henne
  • 弗兰克·乔丹
  • 艾琳McCullugh
  • 马克Mossa
  • 戴安娜Soto-Olson
  • 拿俄米Yavneh


See an overview of the program's curriculum and requirements.